Eight Thrifty Ideas to Help You Stage Your Closets

Hangers are cheap at discount stores. 
If you ask a realtor whether people open closet doors when they inspect homes on the market, she's likely to say something like, "Well, duh!" At least my realtor would, because she's that direct. 

This week I'm focusing on closet staging. I'm giving a tip every day on my Facebook DIY Home Staging Group page. Click on the Facebook button in the sidebar to join and receive these tips. 

Here are my favorite ways to make closets inviting. And when I say closets, I am lumping together cabinets and vanities as well. Only furniture is off-limits when buyers snoop!

And remember that usually refrigerators and dishwashers get looked into.

White Rules. There's no substitute for a can of white paint. I like to use semi gloss in closets and cabinets.

True, it shows off bumps and dents, but it also reflects light and is easier to keep clean. I know you don't want to empty closets to paint them, but it's not as big deal as it sounds. Look on it as a chance to deep clean and get rid of the junk you really don't need anymore.

Don't skip painting the ceiling a pure white. It will brighten the entire closet. Painting inside vanities makes a big difference. 

If you don't paint, put down white shelf liner where you can, like under the sinks and on wooden closet shelves. 

Get Up High. It's time to invest some cash (not a big bundle) on some closet hangers. Cull the ones that don't match and replace them with some spiffy ones from the discount store. Today's styles are actually more economical than you think. Hang or place in drawers, baskets or boxes whatever is on the floor. Think hanging shoe organizer.

Condense Air. I recommend Space Bags. You can compress down to a few inches all those quilts, extra sheets, pillows, and sleeping bags that you need a few times a year when your sister and her brood show up. My experience is that sometimes even the best ones begin to leak air after months on the shelf, but that doesn't mean they are useless. Simply attach the vacuum, suck the air out again, and put them back on the top shelf.
Who doesn't love the look of hatboxes? DreamingInPink.

Gussy Up. People like clean and people like pretty. Even men. You don't need to go down the girly road to make a bathroom vanity cabinet look inviting.

Put the little things in matching baskets, especially toiletries like feminine hygiene produces, laxatives, dandruff remedies, hair removal products, odor eater foot pads, denture adhesives, pet shampoos, wart removers, and disinfectants. You get the idea. You'll make giant steps towards impressing buyers with what a problem-free home you live in.

Go Opaque. My vote goes towards boxes that are not see-through. I realize that clear plastic shoe boxes are handy because the contents are visible, but that's my point. The less visual clutter, the better when it's time to sell your home. You can easily cover cardboard boxes to make them uniform, even if they are different sizes. Use fabric, wallpaper, or contact paper.

Reflections. Most closets have little or no wall space remaining, because most of us like to keep accessories within sight to make getting dressed easier. Those ties and belts and necklaces and scarves can eat up wall space. But if you can find a place to add a mirror to your bedroom, closet, do it. Even a small mirror will reflect light and confuse the eye about the boundaries of the closet. Ideally, you'd be able to add a full length mirror. 

Aromatherapy. Smells matter to buyers. Keep your closet freshly scented. If air circulation is a problem, reducing the amount of stored items will help. Keep anything that would mold or give off musty scents out of cabinets and closet. Sachets or dryer sheets can add a layer of fragrance, but they are no substitute for fresh air.
Little Lights. A small battery-operated, motion-sensitive light makes a statement in a closet or cabinet. For about $12, this one will stay on for 40 seconds, enough to impress house hunters. Well-lighted spaces build confidence because they look cleaner, bigger, and aren't hiding surprises.

If you are just beginning to declutter closets, follow my 9-step approach I describe here.

Are you working closely with your realtor to get your home sold? She'll not only tell you to spruce up those closets, she'll give other advice. I give the same kind of advice in a handy, downladable form when you buy my eBook, DIY Home Staging Tips to Sell Your Home Fast and For Top Dollar.

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